WOW! Leave for a few days and lookie what happens . . .
Kiliki, who loves his
ARCTIC CAT, makes a return to troll the
POLARIS FORUM and sneak around in the background to give his “opinions” in the form of a long list of negative ratings on posts in threads he doesn’t even participate in. Kind of like a puppy peeing on the furniture while it’s owners are away. He is a funny dude, that one!
Big Inch goes on another rant. Now there’s a SHOCKER!! Hahaha!
@Big 1 inch . . .
Your argument has completely collapsed, so you now break out the nasty names and start throwing them around . . . . just as predictably as the last times you have resorted to this, when your illogical arguments failed! (the avalanche safety, riding area closures, and loud can topics, come to mind)
Your “point of coming here and telling the truth”, was for no other reason than to regurgitate your hatred for Polaris by trolling the
POLARIS SECTION of the forum, and knock them at every opportunity you had. I don't think there is any doubt in the minds of those who have suffered through your mind-numbing rants and other mindless drivel throughout this thread, that your hatred for Polaris is real. Those roots of hatred have grown into quite a bumper crop for you. In addition to that, your inability to practice self-control while marinating in that large pool of hatred, has also been quite evident. Everyone gets that, and I doubt there's anyone who cares. You ride an
ARCTIC CAT, yet you have felt compelled to spend countless hours posting in the
POLARIS SECTION, that discusses a brand and model of sled . . .
YOU DON’T EVEN OWN OR RIDE. These are the actions of a TROLL!! That’s messed up Bro!! No wonder you have been banned from the snow west forum MULTIPLE TIMES, only to return under a different user name and carry on with your mission of hatred and fear-mongering.
Your “facts” are based on an “internet poll”, and what you “read and hear”, . . . with absolutely NO PERSONAL EXPERIENCE!! That is a shaky foundation!! The Mueller “Russia investigation” is a shining example of how far things can get off track when started with, and/or are based on the wrong “facts”. Your house of cards was built on a foundation of pseudo facts and fuzzy math, and has collapsed quite quickly. For months now, you have been on a mission to get even with polaris because you feel you were wronged by them many years ago. So based on that shaky foundation, you have attempted to hurt them by "warning potential buyers" of buying this brand. This has completely fallen flat, gotten you off track and out into the weeds for many months, resulting only in your socks getting loaded with cheatgrass. No one with even average intelligence or basic investigative skills is going to listen to, or put any credibility in such nonsense. . . especially when it is coming from the mis-informed mouth of one who
does not own or ride an axys 850, . . . which just happens to be the subject of conversation in this thread . . . which just happens to be located in the
Almost all Elite Riders choose the Polaris Axys platform because it works . . . . period. It is the best Mountain sled on the market today! Putting the 850 engine in that platform was a game-changer and will continue to be going forward. Some don’t agree and choose to ride other brands. That’s ok, and is actually great for competition! Yes, Polaris has made a few (not “a bunch”) of changes for 2020 to improve on the 2019 model year. They, and ALL manufacturers make it a point to do this EVERY YEAR . . no surprises or admissions of guilt here! Improving a product each year is just good business for ANY company . . no matter what they build or sell! Arctic Cat will be doing this as well since they have had engine failures and other issues. Just check out their “engine failure” thread. Ski doo has had some issues resulting in engine failures, so every brand has had issues. Has Polaris had more? We don’t know. Until there is side by side comparison data for each brand from a reliable source, that question will never have a definitive answer.
You mentioned “the best Polaris engine guy on the planet”. I am not sure who that might be, but a wise person once told me
“Beware of the person who sounds the alarm of a potential problem, who also has the solution that they can sell you to fix it”. They often also sell their product or service as a “preventative”. It’s called marketing, and most companies do it in some form or another. Here’s how it works. The “whistleblower” first does some major fear-mongering (usually on social media) to get mis-informed and/or under-educated people worked up. During this process, they hope to get some “activist parrots” on board who don’t have the intelligence, resources, or motivation to do their own research. These are usually people with BIG LOUD MOUTHS, with diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the brain, who will just follow this Pied Piper and repeat what he says. They march along LOUDLY trumpeting his cause in an attempt to get other gullible sheep to join in, who also don’t think for themselves. Once this is set in motion, the whistleblower can sit back and reap the profits from fixing something that may or may not have been a problem in the first place. It’s a devious, yet brilliant game, and most under-educated consumers fall for it. If you want to see how the “activism cycle of nonsense” works, and the results of it, just read the news!! You might also want to check out the Story of Chicken Little
You stated . . . “I actually would find that poll deeply troubling if I owned a 19 850”. Well guess what . . . YOU DON’T, so you shouldn’t be “deeply troubled”, right? Sooooo MOVE ALONG! You have no purpose here!
You love your Arctic Cat, and that's a good thing, so you're good to go there too, right? Sooooo go BACK TO YOUR CAT SECTION . . . and spread the love amongst those who are of the same mindset!!!
Bottom line . . . .