you got it wrong!!!!
the tax would come from the oil companies,it(tax) would still being paid ,just not by us.she would be sticking it to the oil companies
....for once...
shes has a great idea.....make the oil companies give up some of those profits toward the gas tax....she has my vote,because now she is talking about making it permanent....also shes is talking about a profit cap for the oil they can only profit so many %...instead now they can earn as much as they want.....this is good for us(snowmobilers) and any recreation sport.
You can't be serious??? Penalizing a business for being successful is NOT the way America works. If this happens do you think the oil companies will just take it and NOT pass on this new tax to the user (us)??? So they raise their costs to maintain their profits (which really aren't that high % wise) and then when the gas tax holiday is over we will be stuck paying MORE than if it never happened. It's only 18.4 cents/gallon anyway.....about 30 cents/day for the average American. A TERRIBLE PLAN!!
Not to mention, if she gets elected, she wants to put wacko Gore in charge of the environment plan and we stand a good chance of losing ALOT of riding area, perhaps the right to ride at all if he gets his way....his goal is to eliminate the internal combustion engine.
Exactly, the people running the oil companies are not retarded, just cold hearted. If the government taxes them more they will charge more. For those of you that live near a state line where one state charges more gas taxes than the other what do you notice? The gas station in the state that charges more tax has higher prices! They are not going to lose profit just because they are being taxed more, they are going to pass it onto the consumer.
Now for a little side tracking.....As for the presidential candidates this year, they are some of the most deceitful bastards I have ever seen. And they are lying in plain site! Just a few years ago Hitlery was a major advocate for private healthcare companies and oil companies, but now she is condeming the big corporate fat cats because "she and every other working class American doesn't like the way they do business"