Jay I never say yours on a rope, but the truth is they all have there problems from time to time, I thank everybody makes a good product anymore, I really didn,t mean it as a bash for skidoo, just trying to make a point with a guy that had no idea what he was talking about. I hope this new 4s works out it would be good for everybody. I hope to run up against some this winter, as you know the only competition right now are other yamaha,s, and I really do like competition.[ wow ur something else man. You guys must really love ur nytros. All I said in my original post was mostly a quiet bash on ski doo and there problems for far too many years, which then you guys start calling me a ski doo that's kinda funny. Then I said nytros not going to be an apex bottomline.then I started talking about the headgasket issues nytros had this year and that hurt ur guys feelings. Sorry irman if I heard wrong about ur sled but I seen others first hand. Like I said theres new headgaskets being made in process right now. But I guess snowy1 in ur world a 300 hp flawless nytros is the fastest thing on the planet that can climb chutes no other snowmobile ever could. I didn't hear anybody speak up and say well my nytros does anything better than an apex, just my nytros is great and there were no issues shut up no issues shut up shut up shut up that's my nytros ur talking about. Lmmotherfao
Who the hell pissed in your cheerios?
Don't get butthurt.![]()