You can be at Buff pass parking or the Med Bow range out of Gould in a half hour from Walden (15 minutes the way you drive)
. If you haven't ridden the Medicine Bow range your don't know what your missing, but the locals like it that way
Probly 40 air miles worth of "Poker run" terrain from Grand Lake to up past Gould along the base of the Med Bow Range, but turn east anywhere along there and you climb from 9000' to over 12K in about 2 air miles. If you got the stones you can get to 13K legally! Then your in "Mud Butt" country and while the snow isn't as deep as Buff, by Feb. it's plenty good way up high and you can look down on the Park Range some 40 miles west from gnarly high peaks that not many get to. Our clubs, the CO Blizzards and the Snow Snakes out of Walden have been trying to punch a trail through to the Snowies for years, but hit another snag of late (read about it in CSA's paper). Shoot if everyone I ride with didn't go to the Ear's, I'd spend more time on the Med Bow. Can't beat that Ear's deep pow though, so I don't plan on swapping riding areas anytime soon