Dinner, Additional Rooms - Almont Resort
Ok, I finally got in touch w/ Almont Resort.
They have additional vacation homes/rooms available and will extend a 10% off discount to 4M visitors. Homes are typically about $150.00/night and have 2-6 beds, multi-bath and can be split up for smaller parties if needed.
Please contact: Herald - (970) 641-4009 for room rental.
Almont Resort has a restaurant & bar "Bar 47" with a pool hall which will be the primary meeting area.
FRIDAY: Arrivals in whatever hotel/home/facility you're staying at, and congregate @ Almont Resort's "Bar 47"
SATURDAY: Guided Rides of various abilities/interests in the Crested Butte/Irwin Area
SATURDAY NIGHT: Dinner at Almont Resort w /two choices & price levels.
(1) Budget Meal $15.00/person
- Chicken or Burger, Bread, Salad w/ beverage. (tax/gratuity included)
(2) Big Dog $27.00/person
- fresh cut steak, NY Strip or Ribeye, Bread, Salad w/ beverage. (tax/gratuity included)
Dessert will be provided buffet style.
Cash Bar.
Other menu options available if desired.
SUNDAY: More Guided Rides/tours of Crested Butte/Irwin, possible excursion to Taylor Park/Cottonwood pass if there is snow & interest.
SUNDAY NIGHT, MONDAY: Ad-Hoc rides, dinners, etc.. Maybe get folks together in Downtown Crested Butte @ Wooden Nickle or Maxwells for dinner Sunday night if there's interest.
If you have any questions give me a call and I'll try to help.
My cell is (303) 378-5005.
Hope this helps!
Pray 4 Snow!!