OK lets start to get a good head count. I would like to get a rough number so I can go to lodging operations in the CB/Irwin area to see what kind of a deal we can work. In the first thread there seemed to be a pretty good consensus for President's day weekend with a few that noted that it would be better on another weekend due to Valentines day. I think that for the sake of those traveling and the fact that many folks have Presidents day as a holiday we will just go with that. Voting on every aspect will take too much time to get all the details together in time to make all the arrangements.
Please post
1. how many will be with you
2. If you will be staying in the lodging accommodations negotiated or if you plan on finding a place to camp.
3. If you were involved in the raffle collections last year if you could/would please either let me know your contacts or contact them again for this year. If you contact them and they commit to a donation, please get me a copy of their company logo for the shirts.
As for the money raised from the shirts and the raffle I am suggesting that SAWS receive the money from one of them and the BRC from the other. These are the two leading groups fighting for our right to ride public land and they also seem to be the most actively involved with snowmobiles specifically.
Please post any other info that you think will be needed.
Please post
1. how many will be with you
2. If you will be staying in the lodging accommodations negotiated or if you plan on finding a place to camp.
3. If you were involved in the raffle collections last year if you could/would please either let me know your contacts or contact them again for this year. If you contact them and they commit to a donation, please get me a copy of their company logo for the shirts.
As for the money raised from the shirts and the raffle I am suggesting that SAWS receive the money from one of them and the BRC from the other. These are the two leading groups fighting for our right to ride public land and they also seem to be the most actively involved with snowmobiles specifically.
Please post any other info that you think will be needed.