Just to shed some light on this subject, there are no issues between the groomer operator and the club. Last Friday the Coquihalla Summit Snowmobile Club assisted the groomer in acquiring the proper insurance to groom inside our Managed Trail System.
The CSSC has spent the better part of 2+ years working with the Province to Acquire a Management Agreement on behalf of our members and those who ride in the area.
We also have a signed agreement with the groomer which allows him to operate legally, providing a service to all who ride the area as a benefit to the Club and we fully support his operations under the guidance of our Grooming Committee.
The club has direct access to 3 additional groomers, a PB100, a BR 350 and Old Yeller. The cost to the club for grooming is substantial and that is where an agreement with the Province to offset expenses for the club was established.
Trail fees and or Membership should be purchased at the Club's Kiosk at the bottom of the Henning Trail Head. We would suggest that if you plan on frequenting our Managed area that you join the club as all club members are exempt from trail fees.
The club has meetings throughout the Fraser Valley every Month and it is the mandate of the Board of Directors and Executive to provide value for Membership. Meeting dates are posted on our web-site at
We look forward to hearing from our members and if they have any concerns they will be addressed immediatly by the CSSC Board of Directors.
Dave Zeswick
Coquihalla Summit Snowmobile Club