There will be continued logging up the Britton FSR (8km on Tulameen FSR) until probably the end of November. You can expect to meet logging trucks during any time of the day Monday thru Saturday. They will be plowing out a small area at the 8km junction for a turnaround, but there will not be enough room for many to park. If you are planning on riding up 10k area, please be aware that it is illegal to snowmobile on plowed Forest Service Roads (let alone extremely dangerous) and that there is limited parking at the back.
As a note, logging is also active on Thynne Mtn as they are salvaging the fire that occurred in the area this past summer Both the Thynne FSR and Brook Creek Road will be plowed until at least early December at which time the logging will finish off the Brook Creek road and it will be available for snowmobile use. Until that time there is limited parking along the plowed roads and hauling is active between Monday and Saturday.
I believe that the Ministry of Forests will be monitoring both areas and ticketing people found snowmobiling down plowed forestry roads. Please think safety, a snowmobile is no match for a logging truck, or even a pickup for that matter.