He is not the average golfer, watch a PGA tour event for a 1/2 hour and I'll bet you $20 you will see more thin or average weight guys than you will heavy or fat guys. This bet is open to anybody.
I knew someone would bring up John Daly. He is not even a contender on the PGA Tour anymore. He is nothing more than a has-been golfer that is now a full time drunk. He's been DQ'ed from several tournaments because he got plastered the night before and missed his tee time. He is a drunk that likes to play golf once and a while. Even when he does make his tee time he isn't even in the running.
Go find another "average fat golfer". They're all over aren't they?
I didn't think it was relevant so I left it out. His knee does not hurt when walking or running. It only hurts when his knee twists or torques on the downswing, you guys can't seem to understand that. With your left foot planted on the ground, turn your whole body to the left until your belt buckle faces 90* left and at the same time lock your left knee stiff and then have all of your weight on that knee and you still won't have as much pressure put on your knee as Tiger does. It's a critical part of his golf swing, if you would watch it in slow motion you would see why his knee is messed up, it's what gives him alot of power but it's the same thing that's ruining his knee.
As far as watching the whole tournament goes, I admit golf is boring to watch.
I say Nascar is boring as hell too. Most of you guys won't agree with that, why? Because you like Nascar so that makes it exciting. Just because you like Nascar it's exciting and because you don't like golf it's not exciting, there's some logic.

Some of you guys are using information like the global warming camp, only giving a small part of the story.