Chevy's motor messed strictly with flow patterns of intake and exhaust, the dodge placed the spark plug dead center in the head, other wise known as the hemi, the problem with that is that a whole new upper valvetrain must be made, and was seen as an unfair advantage, which it should be. If it was allowed, everyone would be running hemi heads, there more efficient, look at dragracing, NHRA allowed it and both chevy and ford run hemi heads. As for dodges being based on an old motor, so are the chevys and fords, all the new chevy production engines are LS based, the NASCAR blocks are "based" off the old gen I small blocks, same story for the fords. I'm obviously not picking sides. The COT is cool, but not being able to tweak bodies is crap! What ever happened to the days when you could actually change bodies, instead of just chassis adjustments? Oh well, I guess the COT is here to stay!