I agree that location or bullet placement and design, is the key, handguns are difficult to master, and really tough when you add lots of stress. I have seen many a head of beef killed from 5-25ft with a 22 LR, they never take a step. Seen the same with buffalo (Bison) with a Glock .40 S&W. The guys doing it were doing it on a regular basis and knew where to put the bullet. Doing so is the hard part. Almost any caliber will kill a lion or whatever, The problem is they are good at their job, their job 24-7, is to sneak up on stuff, whose job it is 24-7 is not to be snuck up on. Then we enter the picture, our job is to wander around in the sticks having fun, most of the time with our heads planted firmly up our butts, If the lion is planning on you for supper, you probably have a second or two warning. Then take your average 5 pound house cat, which can tear you up pretty good, and multiply it by oh, 20-30 times of times, claws raking your midsection, and big teeth in your neck or head. All you have to do is get your weapon out and defend yourself. The person with you has a better chance of saving you than you do. The golden rule is, recreate with people tastier looking and slower than you!