A drag sled can see more benefit from an intercooler because the pressure loss experienced through the intercooler can be made up from heat loss as a result of the high amount of air flowing across the intercooler. When riding in the mountains or boondocking in the trees you don't see a lot of speed so the air moving across the intercooler isn't that significant. It is very hard to achieve a 1:1 ratio because of simple bends in a charge tube or backpressure put on the exhaust from a restrictive turbine housing. All of this comes into affect when designing an efficient system. The more efficient you are the more power is produced and you achieve a more consistant result. The cold air intake is hardly my idea, and most of the stuff mentioned are others' ideas. It's the combination of things that makes this work. What works on one sled may or may not work on another. All systems are not the same and all boost is not the same. My intentions are to develop a kit on the XP that works efficiently and consistantly and can still be run at relatively high boost. When I say high boost I'm talking 14-16 pounds. A 66 aerocharger with the right combination is capable of producing more on an 800, but anything above that and you start to shorten the life of engine parts and you lose a lot of reliability. I could be wrong, the XP may live under higher boost, but that remains to be seen. I'm trying to be as safe and honest as possible. I am considering buying an XP to do for myself. I was just curious to see if others were interested. I have a lot of resourses and building a kit could be very doable. Gotta let me know.