offense, buti'm pretty sure that the elk population in the jackson area is well over the game and fish target numbers. i also know plenty of people that hunt here in the area, and lets just say that its not exactly all that difficult to get an elk..if you can't find one you need to work on your hunting skills, not blame wolves. elk population numbers have actually been so high that game and fish issues tags for hunting on the national elk refuge and in areas of grand teton national park...doesn't sound like a shortage of hunting opportunities for me. call me a tree hugger if you wish, i don't give a damn, but the fact of the matter is that elk, deer, wolves, and grizzly bears have all lived together harmoniously in the greater yellowstone ecosystem for thousands of years in a nice balancing act. wolves have been hunting in the area way longer than humans have, and the elk and deer have managed to survive just fine through it all, and 100 years ago before the eradiction happened there were wayyyy more wolves...and also..believe it or not, there were way more elk and deer too. it was humans that f$$%ed it all up in the first place and tipped the balance. so I'll trust the guys at game and fish to make the right decisions...these are people that rely on science to justify actions, decisions, and population numbers. these are people with real knowledge of the issues, so i trust their opinion a whole lot more than some of the redneck arm chair jockeys on this site. i'll let those guys make the hard decisions. fwiw, i do agree that wolves need to have their population numbers managed just like elk, deer, pronghorn, etc. but there is a huge differance between population control and eradication. i think having a seasonal wolf hunt is a good idea, and i think the quotas for differant areas are a fine way to do it. I also think problem wolves and packs that prey on livestock need to be dealt with. but having open season on wolves all year long sounds a bit ridiculous to me. there are only like 200 something wolves in wyoming anyway..we're not talking populations in the thousands here. so why don't you guys just let game and fish do their job...