Was there on Sat afternoon and Sunday afternoon as well. Was s'posed to have rode with 1BigCat on Sunday, but my truck was gelled up that morning. Don't you guys have winter fuel?
But I think we had more fun in the warmer afternoon than they had in the -13 morning air anyway.
1BigCat and his chumm seem to be great folks.
Was on top the first afternoon and I tried to make a new hole to the top of the staging area after dark and didn't quite make it. I believe one of the Slutz crew helped me out. We could have gotten it easy enough, but I was just winded and needed to relax a bit first. But thanks!
We were both out of shape and haven't ridden in two yrs untill this last weekend. So we were out of shape. Add to that the elevation, and we were winded.... We did much better the next day tho. But the snow at Summitville wasn't as deep as at Wolf Creek.
Then the next day I could smell snow-machine ahead of me for a few miles on the way back to the lower staging area. (Park Creek?) And then cought up to them. Appeared to be one of the Slutz crew had ran out of gas just short of the truck. The poor soul had a rough trip back to the sled tho.
Can't imagine paying for that truck/camper tho!
Thanks to both of you...