on: June 21, 2012, 09:14:25 AM » Allowing A Woman to Die While Not Killing Wolves
Most everyone has probably already heard the news of the woman in Sweden, described as a caretaker of a kind of zoo facility, who was attacked and killed by wolves. According to the translation I received, this is how some of the event was described when rescuers arrived:
According to the same sources the woman was on the ground inside the pen for quite some time.
The National Rescue Center who got the emergency call at 11.11 a.m. arrived with five ambulances and got help to tranquilize the wolves.
“At first nobody got inside the pen to get hold of the victim. There is just no way you can get near a wolf pack”, said Jan Tengeborg, head of the rescue team from Norrkoping.
“There’s no way you can get near a wolf pack”. That was the quote made. How about a 44 magnum – the world’s most powerful handgun?
While these damned idiots went about “tranquilizing the wolves” the woman laid unattended in a pen. How long did this take? Was the woman already dead? How would they have known if she was dead if they couldn’t or weren’t willing to go in a get her?
If people put more value on the life of a human than a pack of unpredictable wild dogs, the first thing that should have transpired was someone on the premise to immediately arrive and shoot the damned dogs in order to do all that could be done to save the woman.
Now the woman is dead. SHE DEAD! She’s a human being! She’s not a friggin worm infested animal. She’s somebody’s daughter; perhaps a wife and a mother. What is wrong with us? We are sick!
God save us from such perverse ignorance!
I got the following email and video from Will Graves, who received this commentary from someone who is highly trained in handling wolves, according to Mr. Graves.
After viewing the Youtube footage several times I clearly see the danger that the handler (the camera person) and mostly the young female person crouching in front of the wolf was in during the filming. The wolf is obviously the alpha as you can see the other wolf behind in the background displaying extremely submissive posture, tail tucked down, tight to the hips, moving very slowly, head down fashion, noise to the ground, but notice it still was circling (meaning its in the hunt attuned to the other wolfs actions) around the two people. The submissive wolf was waiting to be jumped and rolled by the aggressive alpha wolf after the kill. You can see the alpha wolf teeth grabbing actions taking hold and tugging on and off several times on the young girl’s arm and then immediately turning with direct eye to eye contact with the handler, snarling with the most aggressive action muzzle rolling back and barring of the teeth straight on at the handlers face. Clearly this shows that the Alpha wolf was displaying pack superiority over the human handler (handler looked accustomed to the behavior as her face was really close to the wolf’s muzzle and barred teeth). The wolf’s message is crystal clear with the attack posturing, possessiveness of the girl, especially the direct eye to eye contact, the handler didn’t seem to care one bit about the danger she was in and the wolf is about ready to tear into her face and rip it off or care about the actions the wolf was really trying to clearly communicate to her, very condensed explosive energy’s going back and fourth, really chilling to watch. Very clear body language, communicating to the handler that the young girl was HERS and NOT the handlers. Obviously the handler used some kind of food reward in the initial training and habituating of that wolf or in its history. Wolves with this much prey drive (also K-9′s for police bite work) caged up, without being allowed to express it will show this behavior towards their handlers occasionally. Especially a K-9 that has extreme bite drive. Very fine line on working with animal aggression. This handler has lost respect for the force of an wild animal. Looks like a killing zoo not a petting zoo. Young handlers should never be allowed to put on a circus act like this one. A seasoned wolf handler would have seen the signs and got out! Even well trained experts have been severely hurt dealing with major aggression factors with all animals let alone an apex predator. It’s whole existence is geared to be at the top of the food chain, complete domination or die in the wilds. We as humans need to understand this explosive and very lethal danger wolves possess. How complacent and ignorant humans have become. Out of ego, people (fools) aspire and risk it all to be the next wolf whisperer etc!! Losing true sight on judgment, they loose themselves to the lure of notoriety and honestly believe they can control the energy’s of nature deeply bred into for eons, instincts and the survival of the fittest. A dangerous place to be and a hard lesson to learn. How awful, not a fun way to die! In the end it’s just another animal doing what it was born to do. And we all are so surprised!! Its all just uninformed human behavior again over and over. Playing Russian roulette would have been safer.
So, we blame the girl? Is this like blaming Candice Bernier, in Alaska, because she was out jogging when wolves attacked and killed her?
While I agree that ignorance played a role here in that inexperience and plain stupidity contributed to the death of this girl, I still stand by my statement above. Someone should have immediately killed those wolves in order to save the woman’s life. Two degrees of ignorance does not somehow make things right.
Here’s the accompanying video: