I'm all for discipline. I'm all for picking my battles with my kids. I'm all for not allowing them to get away with misbehaving. I'm all for obedience. I'm all for all of that.
BUT......If it happened the way he described it.......Where do I start with some of your responses......
mind your own business.....the single most thing that is destroying North America ....everybody has an opinion and wants to push it on others .....maybe she had a bad day ...wtf knows..but you are willing to **** a family over that ...
It sounds like that parent is already doing that. It's going to be a disfunctional kid pretty soon anyway....
the crap that will fall out over being reported will be far greater than letting it slide
In the long run?
If it is an ongoing situation, and the boy is hit like that consistantly...that boy is going to have some problems in the not so distant future. He's learning from his modeling. 2yrs is such a formative age. In 3 or 4 years, he's going to be the one at school that's already in the pricipal's office for hitting other kids.
I TOTALLY disagree with what you are saying.
As a parent, I'd say that parent needs to learn some parenting skills, some PROPER forms of discipline, and the proper way to do it. You never use physical discipline in the heat of the moment. You NEVER do it when you're mad. I don't care how hard that is, you HAVE to take a deep breath before you get into it.
He's fawkin TWO for cryin out loud.
EVERY single discipline situation must involve a 2-sided conversation about how they are supposed to act, what your expectations are and the consequenses of such actions or bad choices. No matter what we think as adults, it's absolutely worthless and unproductive to a two year old if that civilized conversation does not take place.
Anyone who beats their dog, their child or anything else has anger issues at the very least....and probably control & abuse issues.
I've got a lot more to say...but I'm not in the mood to think and type out a long post.