similar situation with me when i was 12ish. i had been spanked in the past, not excessively or often, but it did happen. this particular day, i was having a fairly heated argument with my mother, and as usual my dad stayed out of it. well i pushed it a little too far and called my mother a B!*$H. all of s sudden i see my dad stand up, and off to the races i went! ran downstairs, and tried to lock myself in the bathroom. didn't work very well. dad kicked the door in, grab me by the face(palmed my face like a basketball actually), yarded me out of the bathroom and threw me into the wall. on impact, the back of my head broke thru the drywall, i slid to the floor, and my father proceeded to tell me that if i EVER called my mom anything like that again, i might not be around much longer. he never hit me during that exchange, and i'll tell you what, i never called my mom another name, at least not out loud. did he abuse me, h3ll no. did i have much more respect for my mom after that, damn skippy!!!!!! maybe kids these days need a bit more tough love, then maybe there wouldn't be as many kids out there breaking everything and killing eachother. i know it wasn't as big of a problem 25 yearsago as it is today