I love climbing hills, and am decent at it. I just have to restrain myself at times. My comments here are being purposely misunderstood, because we as a group don't want to look in the mirror and challenge behavior, we would rather put electronics on the job. You guys can continue to criticize the messenger, I have thick skin. Years of police work and search and rescue.
i agree about classes for avy awareness. That's a great idea. Who could oppose that?
You were a cop and worked S&R, and come on here and say I don't carry a beacon because I might find a dead body?
I'm glad you avoid all mountain riding on trails that could possibly hit by avalanches. Because trail riding in possible avalanche areas could be considered risky behavior.
I carry my beacon not because I ride in high risk areas, I carry it because I don't want to have to tell somebodies family that I could not possibly help save there life because I thought that they were doing something stupid and I thought letting them die was preferable to trying to recover them.
I understand your thinking, but the problem is when somebody starts thinking the beacon they carry is for helping to find them, not for finding others.