Well-known member
Tundra was designed and built in USA. It is not sold or built in any other market than the North American one, it shares no major parts with any overseas model. I challenge you to show how it has more or less US content than a Ford/GM/Dodge. It think it will be very hard to find stats on that, as ALL automakers are HUGE multi-national companies with thousands of suppliers and subcontracted manufacturers you've never even heard of.Just a little note to those who defend Toyota as being "American Made". YOUR foreign automakers only have FINAL assembly plants in this country. Stamping your logo on the front of a vehicle coming down the assembly line in America that's parts were all assembled in China and Korea for 50 cents an hour is not my idea of American made. With a little research you will find out that Toyota is all about Toyota.
As far as the durability debate goes, when it comes right down to it, there is a reason that Toyota's new flagship Tundra plant in Texas is sitting idle.When times are good and those who don't really need a truck are buying just to say they have one, Toyota can sell. But when gas prices reach an all time high, those who don't need a truck for work or hauling quit buying trucks. Simply put, those who buy a truck for work or hauling, buy domestic trucks. Here's to America.
Guess where they design and build many of the switches, gauges and other electronics for GM and Ford? Right down the street in Nelson BC CANADA at a place call Insight Electronics...did you know that?
The truck market in general has had a huge slow down....are you saying that Toyota has experienced MORE of a sales drop in the truck market than the big 3? Do you have stats for this? Or just another 13 year old kiddy who likes daddy's chevy and has never driven/owned/sat in anything else?
What about the guy who works at a Toyota factory....is he less American than the guy who works down the street at the Ford shop? If yes, then how will blind patriotism put food on Ford guy's table when his company goes banko due to mismanagement? At that point, will working for a smart company start looking pretty good? You bet it will.
Nothing different from the rest of our society.....the strong survive, the weak die, and the dumb lazy ones ask for money.
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