I don't know about the rest of you but I hate the smell of gear oil...it damn near makes me nauseous. What I don't understand is why synthetic fluids have to smell like the standard fluids. Is it for recognition purposes so you know what you're using or leaking?
It's bad enough that the synthetic stuff costs close to $20 a quart. At least the maunfacturer could make it smell decent...like make Royal Purple smell like grape. I know, lame topic but it pi$$es me off when my hands smell like gear oil for the rest of the day...and yes, I do wear gloves but it always gets through some how
It's bad enough that the synthetic stuff costs close to $20 a quart. At least the maunfacturer could make it smell decent...like make Royal Purple smell like grape. I know, lame topic but it pi$$es me off when my hands smell like gear oil for the rest of the day...and yes, I do wear gloves but it always gets through some how