You should do more research if u think it's just ski Doo guys preaching that. There's lots of Polaris guys really open about the problems they currently have but you guys still discount what happens to them since it's never happened to you. That's true denial Lol
I have 3 different brands in my Arsenal FYI
Why research online when I work with the real thing en mass everyday? That's the thing these days...many people believe what they read online from some guy they've never met more than what is right in front of them. I have never missed a day riding Polaris since 2011 and I ride quite a bit, and I have a whole dealership's worth of comings/goings, and trade ins of all brands to form opinions from. So for my personal sled choice...that's all the research I need frankly. Others are free to satisfy their choice by whatever means they wish.
I switched to Polaris in 2011, ride a lot in the mountains of BC, Montana, Wyoming, Idaho. I have not missed a single day of riding on my poo's, probably lucky as they all break but.... The new AXYS has almost twelve hundred mountain/deep pow miles and has performed flawlessly. That last five years on Polaris has been the most trouble free of my riding career. We are so fortunate to have the mountain sleds available now. They all can get the job done and reliability has continued to improve. It amazes me that we ride wot in deep snow, big pulls day after day with minimal issues. Brand bashing is sooo weak!