Depends on the kind of riding you like to do. To me, the mesa is just that, a FLAT top mountain. The snow should be pretty good, but it gets a lot of traffic. I talked to my buddy in CB and he said Kebler was great. I have never ridden with him, or on Kebler, so take that for what it may be worth.
A little further south and you can ride Owl Creek Pass, Red Mountain Pass, and even Molas Pass if you know where to go. The snow is great down south. Owl Creek you can probably find the good stuff on your own. There is a pretty good trail beat into the West Fork, lots of good riding back there. Red Mountin is probably best with someone who has ridden it, there is a LOT of extreme avalanche terrain. Molas had a lot of traffic this past weekend. With a fresh dump it will be nice again and it was snowing up there hard last night.
If all goes well for me, I will be buying a sled Fri/Sat and riding Sunday. If you want to try something new, let me know.