Nothing as wow as some of the stories....
Um once was modifing a mounting plate for a GFI plug, and the drill bit broke, went straight though my hand in the meat between the thumb and index finger, still have the scar...
Umm many times cut some part of my hand down to the bone, one thumb when a shingle blade in a utility knife broke, last week ripping a metal plate out of a computer, it has a bend in it that tore my right thumb down to the bone, installing a big 5ft high by 8ft long window, I was holding it with a suction cup and on the bottom for extra support... buddy ont he other end moved it funny... cut right along the life line down to the bone.
Ummm was building a deck, I was working on the second story part.. went to get off it, I steped onto the ladder, one leg on the ladder buckled and I came crashing down onto the joists on the first level, head first, I was told I didn't scream going down, I was out for a few minutes.. I couldn't speak for about 30min or so.. after 45min I drove myself to Emerg 5 miles down the highway... I walk in had to tell the story 5 times because they couldn't comprehend me.. then asked "Oh wow, do you think you'd be able to move from that chair into a wheel chair?" My relpy was, "I walked in the door didn't I?"
Umm when I was 17 in the army we did some log fortification exercises... shot all sorts of weapons at the fortified targets.. then had to put the logs away... while putting the logs away we where aranging ourself by hieght as we where going up hill with 1200lbs logs, 8 people per log.. well I was in back being 6'3" the other two tall guys where in front arangining people when a Master corperal walked up yelled at us to pick up the log so we did.. 2 tall people in front, 5 short people in the middle, me in back, going up hill... with the log shouldered... so middle people aren't helping much, first step my back went crunch.. I kept working.. moved a number more logs.. then has to do a 1mile ruck march back to camp with 120lbs in my ruck... normally wouldn't be an issue... 3-4days later I get back to civilization first thing i do, hot shower, then to the doctors... they did and x-ray, then a couple months later a MRi or CT(can't remember)... turns out I had compressed my spine so much while moving the log, I got roto-scoliosis, 2 buldging disks, and 2 fractures on my L5, actually broke that little nub you can feel right off... to top it off, before I knew how bad it was I was a moron.. lower ball joint when on my car.. so I tried and tried to fix it... some what in the bush.. I tried to fix it so I could drive it a couple hundred feet to a drive way... anyhow cops told me I had x time to move it or they be towing it.. the now wife had to go some where and wanted me to go with... I wanted my new jackstand back that was under the car, incase they did tow, and the jack mount on the car broke.. so what do I do.. I grabbed the bumper lifted the front drivers corner off the jack stand rolled the car back far enough to clear the jack stand and i dropped the car. soo umm yeah... a spinal fusion and decompression and 10years later I still have cronic back pain, somedays can't even get out of bed.. I've been stuck on the floor a couple times.. shoot couldn't get off an x-ray table once....
I've done some other stupid stuff that end with just a bump and a bruise like look down at my bicycle chain while trying to figure out what's wrong with it, one time I rode intot he back of a parked car, once into a street sign....
Ummmm once i was walking along the top of a wooden fence.. a friend shook the fence, i fell off.. landed sitting with my legs crossed, dislocated my left knee.. took me 30min to figure out how to pop it back in without major major pain....