The training wheels is with the stock ski , it's very aggressive and a poor floater , wasn't made for deep snow pushes threw the snow but helps get the confidence to figure it out .
My 800 , runs with the sleds the distance 8.5 gallons and the four strokes usually need fuel first , it's pushing 150 ponies , sweet spot on the tach is 8450 . I've also been able to burn just about a gallon a mile if I'm by myself , just think super bike mode but ride it like a dirt bike . I ride with sleds quite a bit , they do their thing and usually know better than to follow me at times

She has a new G4 and it's a nice machine but they still are to much work for me to ride , takes a lot of body english handling two skis that are battling each other to stay planted .
I keep hoping a new version would come out but that's not going to happen for all sorts of reasons .
The bike kits are nice and light and are all the rage for a one ski .
These like speed and it generally takes a lot of saddle time to be comfortable at slow speeds .