The Griz Saw by Outdoor Edge
Heres a trick little saw that I have had for about eight years, that I have used it to build emergency shelters, cut willows for hours to get a trail out of deep creek canyon (where I shouldnt have been), and cut more 4" alders than one would care to cut to get moosemeat and moosehorns out of the nastiest place on earth (I swear). I take it hunting, I take it in the Super Cub, I take it on my sled and my Wheeler, and the scabbard fits perfect on my bar riser with a couple zippy ties where its handy. It will also cut Moose ribs, briskets, you name it, even cut the Horns out of their skulls with a little perserverance, but it sure beats a pocket knife. I got mine at a Rec Show, but I have seen the same saw in Cabelas for 20 bucks. I cant believe how well it has held up. The Coleman folding saw I had before it was a piece of crap and it cost the same.
Oh forgot to mention that it fits in between suspension parts easily, and cuts snubber straps, radiator hoses, rope, PVC and ABS pipe like crazy, and cuts drive belts pretty good too, until you have to cut any of the kevlar cords that are outside the rubber. I wouldnt try cutting any metal with it, its not a Ginsu knife! but it is a bad-a little saw. I also have a Sven Saw that I used to carry in the Cub, and it works great, but its bulky when its folded out, but its good for big trees too. Those jack knife folder saws are too wimpy for me, that coleman was like those and it was too flexible.
I never carried a saw (unless I was getting firewood) before 2000, when I was in Lost Lake riding with Scott Davis and some other locals, and I got hung up pointed downhill, and went over the bars, with my skiis under a gang of bowed under alders. If Scott wouldnt have been there with his saw I would have been there for a long time whittling on the wood with my knife. Now I NEVER leave home without it.....