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What does Walmart cost America

Please. If you believe that Walmart is anywhere near the top of the list in terms of things that need to be fixed in this country, you are sorely misguided. Dont' get me wrong, I try and "shop local" whenever I can, and I'm sure there are probably a number of things at which Walmart could strive to be better, but this outcry to demonize Walmart is a joke.

While I agree that there are a lot of problematic issues and some more importment than Walmart I do think there is no more important issue to America today than the Obama Health Plan.

I used to think that Walmart created these pro-division, anti-American policies out of ignorance and naivety. However, since Walmart recently joined forces with Obama for socialized medicine, I now find their globalist ways suspect; consider their un-American policies purposeful.
But wait, there's more! Walmart is contributing to the downfall of this country by not "making" their employees speak english. But why pick on Walmart? What about roofing companies, the construction industry, assembly lines, and just about any other labor-intensive industry in this country? Been there lately? Trust me, most of them aren't too quick to demand that their cheap, ready-to-work unskilled labor go out and and get english degrees. Lets face it, a communication barrier makes one less likely to speak out for one's self.

Walmart and other merchants, plus manufacturers and producers, now make it too easy for Spanish-speaking immigrants to not learn English. America was made prosperous by a widely diverse population using the unifying English language. Walmart, with its bilingual policies, creates cripples by letting immigrants off the proverbial “hook.” Walmart is in effect sustaining a class of shadow employees; of minimally employable individuals. Immigrants cannot function and participate fully in America if they refuse to even learn the language.

Doesn't look like she singled out Walmart on this issue and if you don't think english is an unimportant issue we are in trouble. I certainly believe Walmart has the right to operate and buy/sell it's products in a free capitalist system but when they try and push unconstitutional healthcare legislation they are just a anti american as the clown who is trying to ge it passed. Swampy:eek:
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While I agree that there are a lot of problematic issues and some more importment than Walmart I do think there is no more important issue to America today than the Obama Health Plan.

I certainly believe Walmart has the right to operate and buy/sell it's products in a free capitalist system but when they try and push unconstitutional healthcare legislation they are just a anti american as the clown who is trying to ge it passed. Swampy:eek:

And while I don't agree with the majority of Obama's health "plan", I also don't agree that there is "no more important issue to America today than the Obama Health Plan".

Also, I admit it's been a while since I was in law school, but what is it exactly makes the proposed health plan "unconstitutional"?

target has hotter chicks shopping and working.

That is true. The shoppers/employees at Target are way better looking. Target is like hot-mom headquarters.
Maybe you should read the bill itself, there is no more marxist economy destroying measure before congress not even cap and trade as bd as it is. If the health care legislation is beaten it will be O's waterloo especially if cap and trade is defeated also, that is the reason he is pushin so hard to get it passed before the voters fully understand what is in these bills and deluge the congress with opposition, remember congressmen have to run every 2 years. This legislation will be the defininig issue of the O administration.

It's called the 9th and 10th amendments, all powers not specifically delegated to the federal governmentn, nor prohibited by it to the states are reseved to the states respectively and to the people. There is no delegated powers anywhere in the constitution for governments running businesses, medling in education, running health care. paying for abortions, allowing local governments the power of eminent domain to steal a private citizens property and give it to a developer to increase the tax base as well as a myriad of other interests the government is involved in. All these issues are allowed by 5 people in black robes legislating from the bench and the main reason we are in the condition we are in in this country. Swampy :mad::eek:

Also, I admit it's been a while since I was in law school, but what is it exactly makes the proposed health plan "unconstitutional"?

That is true. The shoppers/employees at Target are way better looking. Target is like hot-mom headquarters.
living in wyoming we already suffer from a significantly higher cost of living when compared to populated areas. The economy of scale is against us in every area we spend money. Wal-mart is just about the only store where there is some decent selection of up to date products at good prices. Are we expected to forgoe that and purchase non-up to date products at higher prices. It is my perception that a town that has a wal-mart seems to prosper more thatn one that does not. If there is a wal-mart the residents actually stay in town to shop, eat out, go a movie and shop at more speciallized stores like sporting goods. With wal-mart in place they can get everthing needed and never leave town.

If there is no wal-mart the residnents end up traveling to larger towns(billings) to shop at the mall, eat out etc... just taking all their money out of town.

Just my 2 cents

I very much agree with this! The towns that have wal marts have boomed. Worland is suppose to get a wal mart but none of the local business people want it, in the mean time there business are starting to hurt! Just because people are willing to drive 90 miles to save $20-30 on grocery's. Like powderbound said, they will go shop and eat at the other local stores.
God bless capitalism. ...Oh, wait, we're supposed to be *****ing about capitalism on this thread. God bless intrusive government regulations and socialist policies, anti-free market systems and succeed and be punished tax policies. Now let's all go have a drink, as long as the wealthiest person on here buys for everyone, and makes that purchase at the retailer with the highest prices.
Here's the gist of it. Walmart, and every other company in this country, functions on the concept of supply and demand. In order to do this, they are forced to operate within a system constraints or rules are imposed by our government or other regulatory agency, just like everybody else. What happens beyond that is called free market capitalism, something that this country used to reward and cherish, as long as it was done within the rules, even if it meant that your competition went out of business. Not anymore apparently. Now it's ok to compete, (but not too hard), and get big, (but not too big), and be successful, (but not too successful). Oh, and if you do get too successful or too big, then we are going to regulate you more tightly, and many people are going to try an villanize you for your growth and success.
I would argue that this change in our way of thinking is far more "left" and socialist and anti-american than anything Walmart is doing.

The biggest deal breaker for me is that when Wal-Mart comes in they setup deals with cities. They get huge tax breaks, usually on property tax. There are incentive packages that they bargain cities for. Cities help build Wal-Mart and then give the huge tax breaks. That is NOT fair trade. The mom and pop shops don't get these deals, if they did they would be able to drop their prices to compete with Wal-mart as well. It is subsidizing a business so that it will put one in your city. You hope the sales tax will make up for it in the next 20 years.
I try my best to avoid Walmart.
There is ALWAYS an alternative that is not as evil. (Target, KMart, Shopko, Alco etc)
But I have friends that regularly shop there. ?????
The biggest deal breaker for me is that when Wal-Mart comes in they setup deals with cities. They get huge tax breaks, usually on property tax. There are incentive packages that they bargain cities for. Cities help build Wal-Mart and then give the huge tax breaks. That is NOT fair trade. The mom and pop shops don't get these deals, if they did they would be able to drop their prices to compete with Wal-mart as well. It is subsidizing a business so that it will put one in your city. You hope the sales tax will make up for it in the next 20 years.

I agree with the principle, but doesn't the fault ultimately lie with the municipality? For example, if a supplier gives cheaper rates to a larger manufacturer than to a small manufacturer, because the larger manufacturer buys more product, should the larger manufacturer insist on paying the higher price to make it "fair"?

Walmart is simply taking advantage of a competitive economic advantage which is being offered to them by local governments. I find it hard to believe that many people, if put in the same position, would refuse it based upon ethics.

Snowmobiler, that is some freaking funny sh*t. I'm going to have to use that one.
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