I am extremely luckly in the fact that I can ride my sled out of my shop and be in waist deep powder(6000 plus ft) in 15 min w/o loading it into a truck. my riding buddies and I put a lot of mtn miles on in a yr are too familiar with avy's and there devastation.
in 2007 a slide pulled me off a 50' cliff causing a compound fracture tib/fib. my lungs where so badly damaged the doc said he has only seen lungs this bad in deadly car accidents. the list goes on, but im not gonna bore you. this all happen in an area that I have been riding in since I was 5 (25 plus yrs) with my dad. never seen it slide ever!!!! so..... local knowledge is great but don't bet the farm on it.
in 2011 a buddy was buried by a 20' bank that sluffed while he was on the ROAD. it pulled him off the road and over the over side. he was buried for 15 min before he was rescued. so..... to say "im not going into avy terrain today so im not gonna wear my pack/beacon/shovel/probe etc" is in my opinion crazy. it doesn't take a lot of snow to cover you and believe me, it's heavy!
in 2012 my cousin's husband was killed in an avy. it was a "considerable" day on the avy forecast so they decided to "play in the tree's". there are a lot of us that have said that before, I know I have! a tree took his life as he was dug out in 7 min and was only 18" down. so to say "I am gonna go play in the trees today" b/c the danger level in bad is not a sure thing.
three weeks ago my brother was in cooke city and was buried breaking his leg(similar to mine, compound fracture tib/fib) and destroyed both his knee's. the avy research team said "this guys were prepared and knew there stuff, but still, luck was the only reason he survived"
I know some of you are gonna read this and say "wow, this guys are f'n idiots, I've been sledding for 30 years and never even seen an avalanche. this guys must go looking for them." this is not the case! but it is fine..... as long as I can get through to a couple of people ill take the rotten tomato throwers. IF YOU SLED, U NEED KNOWLEDGE AND PRACTICE WITH
YOUR GEAR!!!!! area knowledge, equipment knowledge, condition knowledge. yes an avy bag/beacon/probe/shovel are expensive, but so is 10 days in icu (in my case) and almost 2 yrs to totally recover. the avy gear is a drop in the bucket. never mind the chopper to take me off the mtn, sled totally destroyed, etc, etc. NOBOBY LOVES SLEDDING AS MUCH AS ME

but pleeeease respect mother nature, she always wins. and know your stuff. we have lost one bro in all of our accidents. it could of very easily been 4, and I can say that has been due to us practicing and refining our skills with our own gear, luck

as the cooke city guy said, and the man upstairs!!!!