If you're just using boards, then yeah the CFR is fine.
The one thing that will keep me from buying one is a buddy of mine who's broken two skis on two separate occasions with a CFR from leaning over in a pow turn on the way out to our ski zone.
Really rockered skis will catch in the snow and drag.
Not a fan.
Was he using the single ski mounts or the CFR rack? I've had the Double D since '08 and run one ski and pole per side. My skis have max rocker (Chetlers) and I carve the $hit out of my sled. Rolled it several times as well. Never any damage to rack or skis. The great thing about the Double D, at least for skiers, is you can wear snomo boots for the ride in/out and stash your ski boots in a dry bag in the rack. Ski boots suck for sledding.