My goal this year is to ride with some new friends, friends who happen to be much better riders than me so I can learn from them, who will be encouraging and patient so I can actually get better, years past me trying anything that might include getting stuck or doing anything relativly "wrong" due to learning was not really tolerated. I have chosen to free myself of those who are negative and surround myself with positive people. I also want to be comfortable on my new pro and learn all the basics so I can improve on myself as a rider. Staying in good shape I also think is important and can make your days alot easier. I plan to ride with the girls more, ladies rides etc. I am blessed to live in an area where there are many respected women riders whom I hope will be willing to take me under thier wing and get me headed in the right direction. I am also on my own this year, single girl rider, I am taking the bull by the horns so to speak from learning to load/unload to learning to wrench on my own sled. I am smiling to myself everytime I accomplish one of these things on my own. As I learn my goals will get bigger, I am a pretty determined person and being freed from my restrictions this year is really going to allow me to improve, I am really excited. Had my first ride of the season over Thanksgiving, and it was so empowering to feel like I was free and could actually try stuff without consequence and that I did. I did some really stupid things but did some really great things too, but you don't learn unless you fail and have something to learn from, I feel this year is going to be a big learning year for me and I am super excited for that.