1) Grease all fittings, including the one behind the secondary on Polaris
2) Check Hyfax - replace if thin
3) Check track tension
4) Clean and check clutches
5) Change coolant every 2nd year
6) Change brake fluid
7) Pull chain case cover, check chain tension and change gear case oil.
8) Check all bearings on the skid.
9) Check crank run-out (on my 800 only)
10) new plugs
11) Checks for loose nuts/bolts
12) Replace missing/broken exhaust springs.
13) Check ski alignment and carbides
14) Check toolkit and restock spares (plugs, belt, etc)
X2. Things to add: I check motor mounts and all nuts and bolts.
Tap each rivet, replace any that are loose.
Pull skid and check bushings and put anti-seize on the bolts in the aluminum shafts.
Re-tighten springs in suspension both front and rear
Check track for missing clips
Check track alignment
Check front susp and bushings for play
Pull skidplate and remove any debris
Sand and paint anything that will rust