P90x is pretty intense. I tried some new diets at school too. I went one week with out lunch and lost about 20lbs. Both muscle and fat. Then I went and hit the gym hard everyday and gained back about 15 lbs. Checked my body fat and dropped down to about 13% from 15%. Ate a lot of peanut butter and drank a lot of water. Just got to see what works for you. Running 3 or 4 miles a day is a good start.
I call BS on
ALL of this.
There is no such thing as a DIET. There are lifestyle changes, but not DIETS.
You have to be a watery goo ball f you can lose 20lbs in a week just by skipping 5 meals. I've seen pictures of you...you are not a watery goo ball.
And you can't drop 2% of body fat in one week. If you weigh 200 pounds, you'd have to BURN 4lbs of FAT.
The people that metabolize THAT much don't have hardly any body fat to begin with...so THEY can't drop that much either.
How are you measuring body fat? With the bathroom scale type (those are NOT accurate)? Skin caliper? Lung displacement (dunk tank test?) A 2% variance is quite common in tests done back to back within minutes of each other.
BTW, on a related note, there is a rule of thumb that's been around for a LONG time.
"You can only burn about 2lbs of body fat a week without buring muscle."
Jacob, I have some advice for you. You have a lot of growing up to do, and even at 15 you are leaving a lot on the table. Believe it or not, you've become the punching bag of Fouled Plug.
Stop posting non-sled related posts and learn how to become a community member on here. Focus your efforts on Tae Kwan Do and your poomses, your schoolwork, sledding skills and your social skills. Stop sticking your neck out so much on here.