Like I wrote in the Norwegian forum:
I'm not THAT old and have not been riding sleds since WWII, ok. BUT I've been around sleds and the sledding world (magazines and internet) for a couple of decades now and I have NEVER seen anything like this. Only thing that maybe comes to mind are the Doo chassis couple of years ago.
These RMKs are ridden like they are meant to, period! Maybe some people kick a little to hard on the boards, but congrats Polaris on your cutout/cleat design.
An upward serrated edge all around the holes kinda keeps the snow there.
And now the 2012's are here, no change?? With these cracked boards now, how are things going to look in 2 years with 3 full seasons on the sleds?
Then when people show up with cracked boards and a 4 year warranty..
Cleats only on one side of the holes, like all the aftermarket boards do. Allows you to gently kick the snow of (if you have to at all).
Rant over.