Phatty and Braap, I'm not looking for a fight, trying to explain my points, just as you are and obviously not getting across to you either. You are right about one of your main points.... you believe you are not saved by works alone... you are not saved by works at all... it is a free gift from Jesus, you can't do anything to warrant this. You can't be good to earn it.
I read your link, well at least the first 10 pages of the 30 page document. Stated it looks good, but read further and you understand just what you said... works are needed for salvation... just as in the first posts we had with one another.... the author states it's a 2 way street, that we meet God half way... I disagree... God does it all, once again after a true conversion we want to do right, not have to. He talks about losing your salvation and says it's a biblical doctrine...wrong... John 10:28 says that no-one can snatch you out of God's hand once you've been saved... I'm talking a TRUE conversion.... the author states that salvation is not an instant process, but one that REQUIRES that we learn, obey, and strive. So what about the theif on the cross who wasn't allowed time to do this. Was Jesus lying when he said, "today, you shall be with me in paradise". Or does it matter, because in mormon theology, after you die you can be preached to in spirit prison? Even though the Bible tells us that it's appointed unto man once to die, then the judgement. Also that a great gulf is fixed that nobody can go from Heaven to Hell (and witness).
Your author also states Ephesians 2:8 that we are saved by God's grace and not works, but in the next breath states, " is by doing OUR PART of the 2 way covenant.... the patient continuance in WELL DIONG that we gain access to that Grace... so to gain access we have to DO SOMETHING. It's not a 2 way covenant, it's all God, otherwise it's works.
So.... as I stated 6 pages ago, works are necessary for salvation in the mormon religion, God's sacrifice wasn't enough, you have to do something to earn it.
He makes some good statements about "christians" who say a certain prayer and believe themselves to be saved... in my view, they aren't...they do it to make themselves feel ok, to appease their conscience... they are in serious trouble. A True Christian like I said again 6 pages back will grow in Grace because he/she WANTS to, not because he HAS to, drastically different than what the paper I just read says.
Most people feel they need to do something, that's how humans think.. It's how we are taught to succeed in everything... but Christianity is different. God did it all, we need to place our trust in His actions on the Cross, turn from and repent of sins, then we will want to do right, want to do good, want to help people and warn them of the wrath to come... the Bible tells us we are born into sin, not born good.... says that no one is righteous, not one.... that we are like leaves blowing around in the wind until we heed God's prompts to us that are continually calling us to Him.
Funny how we get to the nitty gritty of what underlying beliefs mormons hold and the jokes start coming out to cloud the issue... and take us in a new direction.
And for the record, I don't think I know more about your religion than you like I previously stated, I just know the important doctrines that make it not true. And nothing I have said or pasted on here was taken out of context.