I've always been curious about this....I assumed (as you've stated) that everything is much more expensive in AK, as logic would dictate, for the reasons you've noted. However, from the AK forum members we have on here, you guys don't seem to be living without (in a good way).....so are the jobs/income levels equally inflated? Or do the forums paint an unrealistic picture of the "average working guy" up there? Large government subsidies/northern living allowance? What field might a typical family guy who owns a house/truck/sled/etc do for living? Oil/gas/mining stuff?
Just curious how it all ticks really....
While wages have slipped a lot in recent years when compared to our cost of living. Basically due to the overly inflated cost of petroleum products in recent years, which produce nearly all of our electricity and provide the heat for everything up here (as the greenies veto / veto'd all the hydro projects that enable you to have cheap electricity).
Speaking for myself, no government subsidies nor hand outs (offered, given, nor accepted). Those of us on the forum who can afford the nice toys likely work for one of the three main legs of the Alaskan economy; they are petroleum, fishing, or mining. There is a large government presence here as well but the wages are a fair step lower. Then of course all the service industries that support the three main economic drivers; transportation, stores, etc. etc. Although at a much lesser wage typically.
There are Native subsidies available to those of the correct ethnic background, much like your First Nations population, from what my Canadian Ex-wife explained to me. Correct or not, I don't know, turns out most of what she said was BS (but that is another story altogether).
Hope that helps, Alaska is not for everybody. If you don't mind working your azz off in ridiculous weather, that the human body was not designed to function in, then it might be for you. Otherwise call it good where you are.