volcano buster
Well-known member
I have a local electronics store that has all the parts to make a tester. After re-reading this post several times, I built the tester with the 5V regulator. Mine came out at 4.99V. It seemed to work fine. Once I was done, I pulled out a spare potentiometer and wired that in place of the regulator. Pretty darn cool that I could control the output voltage and get it spot on at 5.00V. I picked up a double stacked one at the electronics store (used for $1) and wired through both units so that I could fine tune it and not be so jumpy. It would work like a champ if you can't find a regulator that gets you to the desired output. I just need to find a small box to wire it all into. I also disassembled an old factory stereo plug from a Ford pickup I had and robbed the female connectors to attach to the TPS male terminals. I shrink wrapped the middle one so I didn't have them touch when hooked up.
When all done, my baseline of .71 was within tolerance and then I set the idle. It had been at .93 so I bumped it to the .95. WOT is 4.12 but apparently that doesn't matter.
When all done, my baseline of .71 was within tolerance and then I set the idle. It had been at .93 so I bumped it to the .95. WOT is 4.12 but apparently that doesn't matter.