This thread is about making fun of Michael Jackson, not honoring people who died for their country. I have shown my respect to the fallen soldiers of this country. I never said that Michael Jackson was more important than the men and women who defend our country. I dont know the names of many soldiers, everyone in the world knows who Michael Jackson was. Do we need a memorial everday for the last six years when a soldier dies. Most people in this country are against the war in Iraq. I am mad that our government is sending our youth to die in Iraq for no good reason other than power and profit. I support the troops by not supporting the war, and trying to bring them home so they dont die.
This thread is NOT about making fun of the man. This thread was to point out that like you, people care more about the child molesting POS than they do about the people who signed up to protect this nation. That is WRONG in every sense of the matter!
You are a pissant and aren't worth anymore of my time.