I disagree. Those soldiers signed up to die. That was there job. Im sad that there are people dying in Iraq, but thats what happens when you sign up for the army. I have disagreed with the Iraq war from the start, and i actually think that we are making things a lot worse by being there. I would never enlist in the American Military because it is controlled by a corrupt government, and i REALLY dont want to die in a 120 degree desert halfway across the world to defend Bush's oil reserves and fight imaginary terrorists. Michael Jackson was a hero to millions of people around the WORLD, not just the US. A lot of people like music more than war, so they feel sorry when a compassionate giving individual dies, and not a soldier. Its about his MUSIC,not his personal life. If someone invaded the US, i would fight the occupation. But this preemptive, spreading democracy, fighting terror is just BS.
This has got to be the most disgusting post I have ever read on this forum.