Remember when people use to say your phone is listening to you?
And then you access it and it shows you something you were just talking about?
Ya I know poopoo it, it's an algorithm from your searching.
Or how about when someone gets into your vehicle and plugs their iPhone in and it takes over your radio but was never given access to it?
I've been also noticing it on searching media bs, you pull something up and watch it, save it and rewatch it and there are little tiny pieces missing.
That algorithm thing again, it knows what you like and dislike.
It's that fast, what ever party affiliation it has figured out you lean to it does incremental adjustments so fast that if your not looking for it and you won't see it.
There's 8 billion people in the world, 5.4 billion have internet.
We can all watch it in real time, ya, it's watching