The fact on how many people are asking for this, I think it would be great to, is awesome but also shows that this is not just do something and make it happen. The gauge is cell based as it has to go market wide, not just for mtns. The ability for trails to be opened or closed in real times was the biggest push. And since the largest market needed that it went there first. But the team hears it all, see's it all and its not just as easy as trading with another manufacture or just building it otherwise it would be done. Keep yelling for it from the roof tops. Also not buying sleds won't get it done, and that would work about as well as people think not buying gas for earth day works, they just buy more on another day! You will like the new sleds though I will guarantee that! Remember also the gauge is always being worked on an updated 360 days a years so updates are coming when they improve, not really a spring check thing.