Just a bunch of nobodies worth millions or maybe billions of dollars that purchased thier brains from a turnip wagon go down to the titanic and implode.
Ya right, yet the media claims the last time a rescue like this was 50 years ago and there may be a chance for survivors and no one noticed that it was missing for how long and couldn't find it?
Pay attention to how bad they always screw up a catastrophe if you want to call it that and eventually get thier story straight, after all the dumbass lies are pointed out with just common sense.
It's first dive to the Titanic was July 2021, OceanGate Titan was also known as as Cyclops 2 in 2018 before it becomes Titan. Maybe when NASA partnered in 2020 is when someone should of thrown a red flag.
Since Sunday, a group of five individuals aboard the Titan submersible have been missing as time is almost out to find them alive.
How many know the Titanic had 2 sister ships? One was a twin sister to the Titanic, thier names where the Britannic and Olympic.
For what reason was the crew of the OceanGate Titan going down to see a ship laying down at the bottom of the sea?
Maybe to go join the other millionaires that sank to thier death in 1912 right before the Great war of 1914 also know as WWI
Once a lie as big as this becomes uncovered the centuries of lies will crumble and those in charge will no longer be in control.