You guys can sit here and run your mouth all day long. At the end of the day, we have been getting these refunds sent out just like we mentioned. How many of you said we were not going to send any or whatever else you felt like saying? As I mentioned at the beginning of this thread, we still have some to send out but we are going to get them sent out like we have been.
Part of the reason it has taken so long is because we had literally hundreds of orders during the time our account was on hold therefore we shipped a ton of those orders and till have not gotten a penny but there were also many that did not get shipped because we never got funded. Now I know what you are going to say, use the money that is saved etc...We just started up last year and what money do you think we used to ship out the other orders? All of it! So yes, we had a lot of refunds to send out and as I metioned before, I also mentioned to many of these people that they couldjust file a chargeback and get there money back almost immediatly. Some people did, some didn't because they trusted we would mail a check. And guess what? That is exactly what we have been doing. And now that this problem has occured, we no longer are getting alot of orders like before, actually pretty much nothing so sales are really slow.
Its pretty fu**** sad that because some jacka** decided to use a stolen credit card on our site that it caused this many problems. I apologize for this jacka** decision but since our processor locked up our funds due to this, I am sorry but there is only so much that can be done. If you guys think that I am just taking the money that comes in for other things, you are completely mistaken.