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Switched to Legend Oil

Good luck with that. You just bought into the one of the biggest hoaxes I know of.

As mentioned, I'll happily put my redline race oil against legend snake oil any day. At least it has sound engineering/formulation and a good basestock.

Are you a licensed professional engineer?

If not, take "Engineering" off your company's title please.
Do you think some "redneck with a passion" could design an engine from the ground up

If the molecules of Legend oil are combustible and synthetics are not

Well it was the person that found out one plus one equals two that layed the groundwork for the mathematics that sent the man to the moon...

then where is the synthetic going if its not combusting..??...my crankcase is not overflowing with it...!!!...its not pouring out my pipe and pooling on the floor in the shop or on the snow...!!!..i have what seems to be a oil smoke smell...i am using 2 quart every tank...8 tanks a month...thats four gallons...where has it gone if its not combusting...??..5 months of sledding and 20 gallons of oil oil going in but not coming out and no sign of it...???...i guess my confusion is just the redneck in me...oh well...regardless...the other guys making efforts to improve and break into the market are obviously hard workers and visionarys and i hope them all the best for there efforts...and im certain that the product itself will speak for itself ....
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i have used amsoil for past 4 yrs and have gum and buildup on my power valves, so i guess that stuff dont burn to well either, im thinkin about going back to non synthetic oil, cause i dont see the advantage, i still got to clean my valves,i havent tried any of the more expensive oils, i just think its a waste of money,, normally we only keep our sleds for a couple yrs so im not lookin for long term protection
LMAO :pound:

That made this whole thread worth it! That is some funny stuff. Where are you at in the Yukon we need to go riding some time.

just south of Whitehorse 40 miles..i do make it to Anchorage/Wasilla but last time was five years ago.. ....yea someday will have to hook up..there seems to be alot of you good fellas in that wonderful state..
Are you Dogmeat....?????

Thats beside the point.

If you're going to put "Engineering" on your company name and advertise yourself as an engineering company, firm, engineering services, etc, you're bound by law to have at least one licensed engineer working in the company.

If you don't or aren't, technically you can be fined.

So I always find it funny when people tack "engineering" on to their company name, etc.

So, with that said. .. if "Offroad Engineering" is _REALLY_ "Engineering", let's see a _________REAL_________ engineering analysis of Red Line vs. other brands.

Prove to all of us what oil is good and bad. Lubricity tests, miscibility tests, use a fann 50 (or something, I dont know what aparatus would be exactly) for testing and do some vicoscity tests, etc....do SOMETHING "engineer-like" instead of just trying to sound cool.

Let's see a real oil test. You could persuade me to switch if you provided a real engineering basis for an oil versus others, not just a bunch of manufacturer claims.
sounds like you have some rudimentary skills and knowledge to do that research yourself...!!...besides i doubt you would accept his results no matter his credentials..so let him drink his beer and you get to work and keep us updated...and please hurry cause im going to be sleepless till this is resolved
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The Legend oil is a great oil.. Does it do everything that it claims?? Not sure.. But it is the best oil we have tested and for that reason we use it and will contnue to do so until something better comes along. We use to do alot of testing for Blue Marble back when it first came out.. They had a good oil, for a while, and then they altered its chemical composition until it became a very poor oil (IMO).
In any case.. IMO, synthetic oils are not right for a 2 stroke engine.. I have written a little tech article addressing the reasons why I feel that way.. you can read it at http://www.2strokeheads.com/OIL-TECH.htm if you wish..

QCperformanceonline.com is the best place to purchase Legend oil.. Give it a shot.. see what ya think.. if you don't like it, switch back to your old oil. If ya like it.. then you have a better running engine...

Oil is your engine's life blood.. without it, you have immediate engine failure. Interesting factoid..You can not seize your engine if your oil barrier does not break down. So, it is a key ingredient in your engine's "health"

It is good stuff... is it the best?? Not sure.. but it does offer very good protection. That has been thoroughly tested and proven..

sounds like you have some rudimentary skills and knowledge to do that research yourself...!!...besides i doubt you would accept his results no matter his credentials..so let him drink his beer and you get to work and keep us updated...and please hurry cause im going to be sleepless till this is resolved

All I'm saying is, for once in my life, I want to see a _real_ oil analysis, and if somone on here is advertising themselves as an engineer and making claims about it one way or ther other, I want to see something substantial supporting claims in either direction.


I don't care what oil I run as long as it protects my motor, but the problem is there's no definitive answer as to what that actualy means, let alone comparisons on the current crop of oil to answer that question.

So, until I have some kind of real data to make a decision off of, I have to go by what I see ... which means a) Legend is NOT synthetic oil which based on some previous studies I'd read suggested dino oils actually lubricate better than synthetics even if they don't have as high of film strength, which to me is a plus and b) it seems to burn clean without residual gunk in my EV's.

So, what I would like, is for someone to offer a _REAL_ substantial review of why Legend, Amsoil, VES, APV, whatever ... is either good, bad, better than this, whatever.

Until that happens, it's all emotional response.
Kelsey...good write up on your site...Dogmeat..i know where your coming from...i do sure wish i broke in my engine with regular oil..i did see the effects of breaking it in with synthetic on the stock engine..yes the space between the rings and just below part way down the skirt was tan with apparent blowby...and im glad when i went with the bigbore i did break it in with regular Castrol...then i went to Redline racing..oil oil oil..its an argument that goes in circles but yet like you suggest Dogmeat that we have the way to come to a conclusive answer,,,yet it escapes us...i remember a person giving a demonstration on an oil additive..ball bearings being ground into a grinding wheel..one with the additive and one without in the oil...the one without just grinded away and the one with the additive never had a mark...never heard of the additive again..people figured out the bearings were similar in looks but hardened differant...possibly all this has closed alot of us to acceptance...but for certain all this gray area is Bull...nowadays we should have black and white...anyway no offense to anyone on this thread..i love to have fun..many times at my expense...and when lucky often at someone elses..
But, regardless .... back to my original thoughts ..

Legend seems to be working pretty well for me now. Burns cleaner than the three other oils I've run, Amsoil, Polaris Synthetic Blend, or AC APV ....

It isn't "wonder oil", but it's definatley at a bare minimum as good as any factory oil.

I think I'll stick with it.
In all honesty, my buddy runs esso synthetic 2cycle in his 07 rev. Still to this day the thing rips. Never had an oil related issue. It's cheap and it obviously works. I agree with dogmeat, if it protects my motor, I'm happy. And yes I'd love to see actual info other than it's the best it's the best it's the best it's the best. Show me, don't tell me.

I run space oil. It was extracted from an asteroid that fell in my back yard. It gives me 20 extra HP, at elevation, and smells like cinnamon buns. Best $hit I've ever tried. Sometimes I'll sprinkle a little nutmeg in the gas too for a real festive eggnog scent:) I get another 5hp from the nutmeg too....don't tell anyone though. I will post the dyno results to back this up but I need to finish them up in photo shop first.
space oil... hmmmm sounds good !!!

Hey Mynewuseddoo, how much space oil do you have? would you like to part with some of it .... before you say no just think of the good you will be doing to my sled.... it should give you a warm feeling all over :-)
Hey Mynewuseddoo, how much space oil do you have? would you like to part with some of it .... before you say no just think of the good you will be doing to my sled.... it should give you a warm feeling all over :-)

Well Sled, I've only got my limited supply of the real goods, but I am working on a synthesized terrestrial version from a mixture of KFC and Cinnabon grease. It is proving to be quite a challenge but I think I am almost to fruition with the formula. Well I've got the smell close anyway. The dyno results for this earth bound formula are only providing a 15 HP gain, but better than nothing right? I am producing a bearing grease from this also....no more diamond drive failures!!!:clap2::yo::peace: GUARANTEED!!!:second: I will be offering these for sale at www.iwanttobuyabridge.com :wof: :bolt:

I also have an octane booster made from a base of Twinky residue but thats for another topic:face-icon-small-hap

LOL, I really need to go for a ride.....
My opinion on swiching to Legend are as follows.

When I started running cats with power valves I burned Arctic Synthetic APV oil because I thought that was what I should be burnung because the dealer said I should! The outcome was OK as far as lubrication and performance but my power valves were dirty "all the time" and needed cleaning every 500 miles to keep them from gumming up!
I then switched to Amsoil Iterseptor because we could buy it for about 18-20 bucks per gallon in the barrel. This to us was the oil to use due to prices and our experience with cleaning the power valves improved. Maybe needed cleaning every 1000 miles. The Amsoil smokes alot as does the Arctic Synthetic and is not a good smelling oil by any means!
In 2008 I discovered "legend Oils" and had recently purchased a new M8. I broke my new M in on Amsoil and then switched to "Legend". Guess what guy's, NO MORE SMOKE, NO MORE STINKY CLOTHING, and my power valves at 600 miles needed "no cleaning" and at 1700 miles on legend were JUST WIPED CLEAN WITH BRAKE CLEANER and reinstalled. And the sled runs great. I also switched my wifes C/F 8 to legend and noticed waaaaay less oil residue from her pipe and her power valves were a mess prior to burning Legend! I'm SOLD on the Legend until I find an oil as all around good at a Sea Snow price!
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