The suggested place to put the Power Commander V fuel controller is under the ECU.
The are two (2) existing holes in the front nose piece. I decided to drill two (2) more towards the
front of the nose piece so I could use tie wraps to securely mount the PCV.
When you place the PCV fuel box you need to make sure you mount is approximately 1/2 inch back from the front.
If not the front plastic nose piece will not fit due to part of the piece that rests on top of the nose piece.
If you look directly in the middle of this picture you can see how that part of the plastic nose sits on top of the nose piece just in front of the PCV.
Another thing I did was to place a small amount of RTV around the mini USB plug that plugs into the side of the PCV.
You can see it in the first picture of this post. I routed the USB wire out the side from under the side of the metal heat
shield that sit over the ECU and follow the throttle cable up the support post. The end is fed down the steering post to
allow easy access for fuel adjustments.
Here's a picture with everything mounted in place.
I didn't like the way the wires coming out from under the heat shield hit the sharp edge, so I
split a small fuel line and placed it along that edge with some RTV.