All good pointers, I didn't see anyone post about using wood chips in a smoker box in the grill. Assuming a gas grill here.
I bought a metal box made for this purpose from the BBQ aisle at Wally World (or was it Home Depot?) It measures roughly 4"x7"x2" deep.
Anyhow it fits under the grate, and on top of the burner. It has a perforated metal cover.
I soak maybe 2 cups full of hickory chips in water in a separate bowl for about 5-10 minutes,first.
Fix yourself an adult beverage.
Then put chips in the smoker box. Fire up grill on high until smoke begins to come from the box.
Now it's time to put steaks on the grill. Cook as you normally do. Makes an excellent flavored steak.Not too strong, more like a charcoal grill.
Otherwise a gas grill leaves things kind of bland, IMO.
I've also tried different chips. Cherry, Apple, Mesquite, Alder.
Works for chicken and fish too.
I bought a metal box made for this purpose from the BBQ aisle at Wally World (or was it Home Depot?) It measures roughly 4"x7"x2" deep.
Anyhow it fits under the grate, and on top of the burner. It has a perforated metal cover.
I soak maybe 2 cups full of hickory chips in water in a separate bowl for about 5-10 minutes,first.
Fix yourself an adult beverage.
Then put chips in the smoker box. Fire up grill on high until smoke begins to come from the box.
Now it's time to put steaks on the grill. Cook as you normally do. Makes an excellent flavored steak.Not too strong, more like a charcoal grill.
Otherwise a gas grill leaves things kind of bland, IMO.
I've also tried different chips. Cherry, Apple, Mesquite, Alder.
Works for chicken and fish too.