Depends on the steak and how i prep it.
Sirloin I will strip it, and marinade it. BBQ it very quickly on high heat, 20 seconds a side and eat.
New York or a Rib - Season, High heat, put on, cook for a little bit, fliip and eat. Hot on the outside, just warm in the middle. Objective to a hot grill is to sear all the juice from the meat inside, not dry it out.
Favorite to BBQ is a chuck roast. Take a choice chuck roast, bone in or out. Marinade. Put on a very hot grill. You have to watch this, due to flare ups. After 4-5 min, flip. Now sear that side and turn grill down. Use left over marinade to baste the side you just cooked. I know your not supposed to keep flipping it, but I usually do once I turn the bbq down in heat and keep basting that bad boy. The marinade usually carmalizes on the meat... Fantastic way to cook a chuck roast.