no. you are lying. the main reason, is because of a thread that was kind and pretty easy going. arrogant responses arrose immediately. i responded to their arrogance with respect and a cool head. i had crushed every one oftheir accusations and they got even more upset. it was a classic thread though.... The thread got closed and deleted cause " it got out of hand" some people were glad it got closed. some people were upset that it got closed. it was a very entertainig read. blah blah blah. the big problem was, people just dont think there are good things out here with genuinely good people behind them. they always assume the worst.
and guess what? you say i say stupid things. i can say the same thing about many of you guys. but guess what? im ****in real. too the point. when i talk about stuff, even " conspiracies, its stuff that really makes sense to me. politics, it really makes sense to me. business, it really makes sense to me. Ive been around hardcore business people my whole life. no one is going to turn me away from worldventures because its a legitimate business, with a very legitimate product, and is recognized by some very big names out there. everything i have ever said about the company is fact. i wouldnt be suprised if 2 or 3 people on here saw it, searched for someone near them and joined their team, and took off with it. i would be happy for them. i had actually suggested thats what they do. you see, its in my nature for me to do things that help others out before i help myself out. sorry its just the way i am.
the differenc between people like you, and me, is im real. i dont change what i talk about or what i believe in just because others dont like what i say or how i act or talk. i hasnt gotten me in trouble in real life, so why change? sorry, im not one to change for anyone.
Want to hear another pretty solid case? bandwagon jumpers. how many of you guys honesy "join the negative club" or follow other long time snowest jokesters with 40,000 posts? or follow the one that can dish out the best insults? probly the majority of you. idk, its just how i see it.
so you can continue with wasting your time jumping on the bandwagon of insults, and i will continue talking about conspiracies and politics, and i will continue to gladly engage in coveration about worldventures whenever someone makes a joke about it or brings it up. which happens quite often .