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Soo you don't think that Muslims are takin over ??



Oct 2, 2007
Milliken, CO
H2, i have a book you really need to read....

its called "The White Man's Burden"

i think you could learn alot.

What the he!! does a friggen Poem about imperialism have to do with that??

So now that these people have come here to work and pursue the "AMERICAN DREAM" everybody here should bow to their wishes and accommodate them instead of them assimilating into our society. This is what pi$$es people off about immigrants in the first place.

Anybody notice who's home state this happened in?


Well-known member
Nov 26, 2007
Western WA
....So now that these people have come here to work and pursue the "AMERICAN DREAM" everybody here should bow to their wishes and accommodate them instead of them assimilating into our society. This is what pi$$es people off about immigrants in the first place.

Anybody notice who's home state this happened in?

According to the article, only 20% of the 1000 employees are muslim...so that means at least 38% of the rest of the employees voted for this as well. I didn't see what the date of the new holiday is, but maybe it's closer to another holiday?

And what about the Bill of Rights? Does freedom of religion ring a bell? (although they claim this is contractual, not a religous decision).

Some of "these people" have been here a lot longer than you or me. The vote took place in a union negotiation...ever consider the possibility that these are US citizens who voted for this?

But because it is a Muslim holiday, it is just assumed that it is immigrants.

From Wikipedia:

"On the day of the celebration, a typical Muslim family awakes very early, does the first everyday prayer, and is required to eat a little, symbolizing the end of Ramadan. They then attend special congregational prayers held in mosques, large open areas, stadiums and arenas. The prayer is generally short and is followed by a sermon (khuṭba). Worshippers greet and embrace each other with hugs in a spirit of peace and love after the congregational prayer. After the special prayers, festivities and merriment are commonly observed with visits to the homes of relatives and friends to thank God for all blessings.

Eid ul-Fitr is a joyous occasion with important religious significance, celebrating the achievement of enhanced piety. It is a day of forgiveness, moral victory, peace of congregation, fellowship, brotherhood and unity. Muslims celebrate not only the end of fasting but also thank God for the self control and strength that Muslims believe God gave them. It is a time of giving and sharing, and many Muslims dress in holiday attire."

Yeah, this sounds horrible, and will ultimately lead to our demise. :rolleyes:

Intolerance is worse than terrorism...it will rip a society apart...and THAT is what the terrorists want.

Of course, the reality is that h2snow is just stirrin the pot...but it makes for good conversation!! :rolleyes: :D :beer;


Oct 2, 2007
Milliken, CO
And what about the Bill of Rights? Does freedom of religion ring a bell? (although they claim this is contractual, not a religous decision).

Some of "these people" have been here a lot longer than you or me. The vote took place in a union negotiation...ever consider the possibility that these are US citizens who voted for this?

Speak for yourself my family can be traced back to the 1800's. But that's beside the point.

I used to work for a company that hired a bunch of Somalian Muslims, They took 2 EXTRA Breaks per shift for prayer, this was not allowed to anyone else.

Freedom of religion is one thing but I think that's just a little far IMO. It's not freedom when it's forced on others. Precisely one of the reasons I hate unions. But then again it was voted on fair and square so I guess I got no room to biotch besides it's not me that's working there. I just think it's a little absurd to ditch a federal holiday for a religious one.

And I never said they weren't citizens just immigrants, Yeah I know that might be a broad brush to paint them with but I bet $$ most of that 20% are not more than 1st Gen Citizens if not Naturalized.
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Oct 2, 2007
Milliken, CO
Intolerance is worse than terrorism...it will rip a society apart...and THAT is what the terrorists want.

Of course, the reality is that h2snow is just stirrin the pot...but it makes for good conversation!! :rolleyes: :D :beer;

First point Yes and No too much tolerance and you give up everything you've got. I'm not saying that every Muslim is bad or have a round up or whatever racist knee jerk reaction I can be accused of but you tell me if we should have been tolerant on 9/11 when towel heads were dancing and chanting praise to Alah when the towers fell. No it's not an urban legend I saw it with my own 2 eyes. Along with the Police standing in front of them forced to protect them from retaliation. That is too much tolerance PERIOD!!!

Second point Agreed.
Nov 26, 2007
billings, MT
According to the article, only 20% of the 1000 employees are muslim...so that means at least 38% of the rest of the employees voted for this as well. I didn't see what the date of the new holiday is, but maybe it's closer to another holiday?

And what about the Bill of Rights? Does freedom of religion ring a bell? (although they claim this is contractual, not a religous decision).

Some of "these people" have been here a lot longer than you or me. The vote took place in a union negotiation...ever consider the possibility that these are US citizens who voted for this?

But because it is a Muslim holiday, it is just assumed that it is immigrants.

From Wikipedia:

"On the day of the celebration, a typical Muslim family awakes very early, does the first everyday prayer, and is required to eat a little, symbolizing the end of Ramadan. They then attend special congregational prayers held in mosques, large open areas, stadiums and arenas. The prayer is generally short and is followed by a sermon (khuṭba). Worshippers greet and embrace each other with hugs in a spirit of peace and love after the congregational prayer. After the special prayers, festivities and merriment are commonly observed with visits to the homes of relatives and friends to thank God for all blessings.

Eid ul-Fitr is a joyous occasion with important religious significance, celebrating the achievement of enhanced piety. It is a day of forgiveness, moral victory, peace of congregation, fellowship, brotherhood and unity. Muslims celebrate not only the end of fasting but also thank God for the self control and strength that Muslims believe God gave them. It is a time of giving and sharing, and many Muslims dress in holiday attire."

Yeah, this sounds horrible, and will ultimately lead to our demise. :rolleyes:

Intolerance is worse than terrorism...it will rip a society apart...and THAT is what the terrorists want.

Of course, the reality is that h2snow is just stirrin the pot...but it makes for good conversation!! :rolleyes: :D :beer;

so what do you say to intolerance to terrorism? be careful throwing those liberal buzz words around.:rolleyes:
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Well-known member
Lifetime Membership
Aug 14, 2002
According to the article, only 20% of the 1000 employees are muslim...so that means at least 38% of the rest of the employees voted for this as well. I didn't see what the date of the new holiday is, but maybe it's closer to another holiday?

Come on, you actually read the article? Isn't that the opposite of how discussions on snowest go?:p I thought they normally went like ... "I didn't read the article because I didn't pass 2nd grade, but I will give you my misinformed opinion that is based on an email that I got........."

Of course, the reality is that h2snow is just stirrin the pot...but it makes for good conversation!! :rolleyes: :D :beer;

He doesn't stir the pot, he throws dynamite into it, and watches the rest of the people clean the crap off themselves!
Apr 3, 2008
Billings Mt.
Speak for yourself my family can be traced back to the 1800's. But that's beside the point.

I used to work for a company that hired a bunch of Somalian Muslims, They took 2 EXTRA Breaks per shift for prayer, this was not allowed to anyone else.

Freedom of religion is one thing but I think that's just a little far IMO. It's not freedom when it's forced on others. Precisely one of the reasons I hate unions. But then again it was voted on fair and square so I guess I got no room to biotch besides it's not me that's working there. I just think it's a little absurd to ditch a federal holiday for a religious one.

And I never said they weren't citizens just immigrants, Yeah I know that might be a broad brush to paint them with but I bet $$ most of that 20% are not more than 1st Gen Citizens if not Naturalized.

Good for you.
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