The negative posts, directed toward the guys actually doing business with Ted, are out of line. To say "let it go", "you'll get your sled" or "Ted is just busy", "family comes first", or "He's working 14 hour days" is subjective to say the least. And, I for one am tired of hearing guys saying, "you should go there yourself". That's been done and doccumented. Read the F'in thread before you post. This is a real world issue that is effecting real people. I am sure if the shoe was on the other foot, you nay-sayers would be changing your tune.
Here are the facts
1) Ted is taking far beyond a reasonable amount of time to perform his scheduled work. Keep in mind, he provided an estimated delivery date BEFORE he started.
2) He has blantantly lied to his customers.
3) He has completely cut off communication with some of his customers that have not received their products or service.
4) He has established a working relationship with his customers based on misldeading claims and fraudulent promises.
5) He is now apparently marketing someone elses product as his own
Do the math guys, before you spout off to people that have SPENT their hard earned dollars just to be treated in this manner. Don't be an internet idiot and put your lack of knowledge and understanding in a place where it does not belong.