Before you can disprove something, someone else has to show it to be true.
That hasn't happened. There is NO evidence that Al Quada operated in Iraq.
Read The Iraq Study Group Report.
Hahahaha, here is a link to the report. I think you need to reread it before you place facts on this report......
Anyone can put together a group of individuals with the same motives and call it a consensus.
Nice report, biased much?
Here's a couple snippets from there report. Boy can hindsight be 20/20
"The situation in Iraq is grave and deteriorating. There is no path that can guarantee success, but
the prospects can be improved."
"There is no guarantee for success in Iraq. The situation in Baghdad and several provinces is dire.
Saddam Hussein has been removed from power and the Iraqi people have a democratically
elected government that is broadly representative of Iraq’s population, yet the government is not
adequately advancing national reconciliation, providing basic security, or delivering essential
services. The level of violence is high and growing. There is great suffering, and the daily lives
of many Iraqis show little or no improvement. Pessimism is pervasive."
"3. More Troops for Iraq
Sustained increases in U.S. troop levels would not solve the fundamental cause of violence in
Iraq, which is the absence of national reconciliation. A senior American general told us that
adding U.S. troops might temporarily help limit violence in a highly localized area. However,
past experience indicates that the violence would simply rekindle as soon as U.S. forces are
moved to another area. As another American general told us, if the Iraqi government does not
make political progress, “all the troops in the world will not provide security.” Meanwhile,
America’s military capacity is stretched thin: we do not have the troops or equipment to make a
substantial, sustained increase in our troop presence. Increased deployments to Iraq would also
necessarily hamper our ability to provide adequate resources for our efforts in Afghanistan or
respond to crises around the world."
After all this, I still cannot find one actual fact that proves Al Quada was not in Iraq.