I for one will NOT give F&G one more red cent than is absolutely necessary, untill they grow a set and stand up for hunters/sportsmen, and our elk & deer herds in this state!!!
Our quota for my region is set at 5 wolves. Well......... 3 have already been trapped/shot in this region which counts against our quota, so.... hmmmm only 2 left to get here is gonna be slim to nill to get one. I will wait till they come on my property this winter stalking my horses or dogs and get one without paying for a tag.
I understand your frustration, but the issue of wolf management has been out of the F&G jurisdiction until they were delisted. It is hard to point the finger at them directly since there was nothing they could do concerning the direct management of wolves. They did conduct some studies to help prove their point that they were loosing millions and millions of dollars due to the introduction of wolves. I agree that they were way too quiet about the impact of wolves and they should have been more vocal in echoing the frustration by the hunters and the studies of wolf depredations on deer and elk.
Also, I do not believe that conrol action counts toward the quota of wolves. The quota was set specifically for hunters, not for F&G/USFWS control actions. Reducing the quota number based upon control action will significantly reduce the number avaliable to hunters. I belive that 40 or 50 wolves have been killed this year already due to livestock conflicts. That would seriously reduce the number avaliable to hunters. In addtion, the Nez Pierce have been granted something like 30 wolves and this is seperate from the 220 quota